Survey Analysis Demo

Survey Analysis Demo

Data Analysis
August 25, 2023
This is a sample survey analysis I recently completed. The client had a survey with three subgroups: current members, previous members, and non-members. The current members were also subdivided into two further groups, those who attended meetings, and those who didn’t. I split each of the groups apart and created graphs for each question that made sense. In the client's survey they also had several prompts where the respondent could write in an answer, for these prompts I gathered all of the unique answers that weren’t covered by previous questions and presented them as is. An additional challenge for this survey is that the client had some tricky questions that weren’t well-suited for a graph. These questions were in a multiple choice grid format, as seen below.
notion image
The client wanted the output of this question to be a ranking of which choice was the most popular. To do this I assigned each rank (first, second…) a point value and ranked the response by the total points an answer received, although in doing this some respondents selected the same response several times in the list, such as “Learning from speakers” for both the First choice, and their Forth choice for example. In these cases, I only took the top choice. With the express permission to share the results, I’ve removed all the clients identifying information.
Here is the document I created for them, embedded below: